Work by
Francesco Niccolò Garau
Product Designer

 My expertise blends multiple disciplines             from product design and creative coding to      3D animations and video production.

My expertise blends   multiple disciplines        from product design and  creative coding     to 3D animations and video production.

 My expertise blends  multiple disciplines        from product design      and creative coding to  3D animations and          video production.

My background is in Industrial Product Design, with a strong passion for digital crafts and technology. Over the years, I have explored the vast potential of the web and digital experiences, designing websites, apps as a freelencer and interfaces for highly technical products during my time at Xrit.

Currently, I just graduated a master degree studying Data Science methods and AI frameworks to integrate these two fields with product design. I'm deeply interested in how we can innovate interactions with technology and am eager to see how the field evolves in the coming years.
I deeply enjoy creating visual and animations for my projects. I believe it not only enriches them but also help valorise and represent the value created within the product.

In my project I use proficiently the Adobe suite as well as 3D softwares such us Blender and more technical ones from Autodesk for technical prototyping and 3D printing.
I love crafting ideas in the web space. It's about creating a unique language for a product, designing the experience, and finding the right words and images to tell its story.

Reaching the target audience is key. Every project needs to find its voice to express its character and values in this dynamic world. It's an amazing challenge to tackle every single time.